World of Prymzia Free Ebook

World of Prymzia Free Ebook

All those minor characters—they give personality and flavor to a book. However, they are easily forgotten. In the Prymzia series, the minor characters have their own stories.  The first short story from the World of Prymzia e-book series is The Potter’s...

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What about book 2?

What about book 2?

Mystery, danger, and the fantastic, moves book 2 of the Prymzia series forward.  Writing this young adult novel has been and is an adventure. It’s not yet ready for release, but if you haven’t read book 1, Prymzia: Ravager of the Sea, click the link and...

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Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

Think about those Christmas memories – past, present, and look to the future.    Memories of being a little girl falling asleep to the tree lights as they illuminated the wall outside my bedroom door. Memories of my little boys singing during their...

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Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow. Yay! Can’t wait to eat that yummy food—turkey, potatoes, yams, pie. I’m full just thinking about it. I’m full of excitement, joy, and love. It’s not about the food. It’s about relationships. Mom, Dad, sons, daughters-in-law, and...

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Imagination & Creativity

Imagination & Creativity

Stories are created as the imagination spins and weave mysterious, thrilling, and fantastic characters and worlds. Readers step into these worlds and create their own visualizations of them. Imagination and Creativity-- an entertaining combination.

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What’s Their Story?

What’s Their Story?

I’m at one of my favorite coffee shops enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee, and a hot bowl of potato soup. I notice the different groups of customers chatting away. Ladies giggle as they conversate. I wonder who they are...what is their story? Even when we meet an...

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